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Our mission and vision


Our call and purpose is expressed in three complementary statements: the Mission
Statement, the Vision Statement, and the Open and Affirming Statement.

The mission
And Jesus came, and said them (the disciples), “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always to the end of the age.”


It is our stated mission, as Compton Heights Christian Church, to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, and to declare his love for all people. To this end we commit ourselves to:

• the public worship and service of God, striving to live daily to God’s glory, and grow in our love and knowledge of God.
• the love and service of one another, receiving and bearing one another in everyday life, as well as in specific times of joy and sorrow.
• reaching out to others in word and deed, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they may come to know him, his death and his resurrection and to enter into relationship with him through this congregation.

The vision
As members of Compton Heights Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we affirm our commitment to ministry in this place. Embracing ministry in the city, we are called by God to be:

12_Banner• a reflection of love and concern for God’s children through all the stages of life, health, and ability. This includes those who are young and old, mentally or emotionally bruised, and those who have become lost or have been driven away from the church or from God.
• a spiritual haven where people are nurtured and renewed in a community of loving and caring.
• an inclusive and accepting community of faith where differences in wealth, culture, race, or orientation may enrich our fellowship rather than separate us.

We always seek to live God’s vision for the church as we:

• welcome and actively seek persons of differing races, cultures and life experiences, including those who have been alienated from the church, to be part of this community of Christ’s Church.
• faithfully and lovingly address issues in our lives that hurt and divide us.
• trust in God as we address the challenges before us with prayer and openness to God’s transforming Spirit.
• provide a spiritual home that nurtures faith development and helps us discover how God’s purpose may be lived out in each of our lives.