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Greetings St. Louisans and those of you across the country and around the world!

We, here at Compton Heights Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), send you grace and peace in life’s journey.

We also extend a warm welcome for you to consider participating in our faith community in any way that seems desirable to you.

There are opportunities in person and on-line for you to connect with us. Just peruse this website to learn more, and then, connect with us as you choose.

Compton Heights Christian Church (CHCC) is a “sanctuary in the city,” an Open & Affirming congregation, an “Anti-racist/Pro-reconciling” congregation and a Global Mission congregation.  We celebrate the gifts God blesses us with through our diversity. We focus on ministries of inclusivity and justice where all people are welcome.

If you seek a diverse, open-hearted, inclusive community of people who are endeavoring to love and care for all, CHCC is a wonderful, inspiring place to begin.

Again, grace and peace to you in life’s journey. If the Spirit moves in your heart to connect with us, we will be blessed and grateful to share the journey with you.