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Special Day Outreach in Neighborhood

Christmas Eve  
CHCC has a 60-plus year history of Christmas Caroling in our neighborhood on Christmas Eve! As we carol, we hope to bring joy to neighbors and we collect money for Children’s Services in the St. Louis Area. This is in cooperation with the St. Louis Christmas Carol Association.

Ash Wednesday
On Ash Wednesday we participate with an ecumenical group of neighborhood churches in “ASHES TO GO.” Mokabe’s Coffee Shop provides a Tent and Coffee, and pastors of our congregations offer a brief time of prayer, worship, and the imposition of Ashes for people on the street. A wonderful time of spiritual connection with a busy city population!

Good Friday
On Good Friday, our ecumenical group of congregations come together for a “Way of the Cross Walk” through the neighborhood. Stopping at stores, community service centers, schools, alleyways, and residential areas we bring together Jesus’ journey to the cross and the daily challenges of the people of our city. It is an amazing gift to sing and pray in places that have known pain and violence, and in places where people work to bring peace and hope.