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Book Club – Every other month on Saturday at 1:00 pm
Compton Book Club is a chance for fellowship and discussion.  Go to the “What’s New This Season?” tab on this website for information on the book we are currently reading and our next meeting.



Prayer Shawl Knitting/Crocheting Group

First Thursday of each month 7:00 PM

The Prayer Shawl Knitting and Crocheting group is both an outreach and a nurture ministry. It is a powerful means of outreach to those who are ill, grieving, or in need of special care in some way; both those in the congregation and beyond.  Prayer Shawls are made by members of the group, and then blessed by the congregation on a Sunday morning. When the shawl is given, it is a reminder to the recipient that they are wrapped in the love of God. If you knit or crochet (or you would like to learn)  come join us.  For that matter, if you would just like to enjoy coffee/tea and conversation in a relaxed group – just come be with us!
We alternate our meeting places, so check to see where we meet next month!

Chancel Choir – Sundays


Our music director is David French.
The Compton Heights Choir is a wonderful group – relaxed and fun AND creating beautiful music to help the congregation worship God! We do not understand the role of the choir as “performance,” but as worship leadership! At CHCC, the choir sits in the congregation to lead the congregation in song. The choir moves to the chancel steps to share special music. All choir preparation and practice takes place on Sundays to allow the most people to participate. The choir gathers at 10:00 AM to warm-up and practice for that morning’s music.

Please join us.


Ministry Roots ‘n Groups

The ministry of this congregation is rooted in the faith, passion, and commitments of the people who gather. Someone felt a call to knit prayer shawls for those who need to feel enfolded in prayer, so she pulled a group together.  Someone brought the idea of taking coffee and hot cocoa to the street to serve and greet the community on Friday mornings, and “Happy Friday” was born.  Some had a passion for the gifts and ministry of LGBTQI people in the church, and we began the process to grow as an Open and Affirming congregation.  Out of our passion for justice we responded after Michael Brown was killed by the police in Ferguson, and what emerged was our engagement in Sacred Conversations on Race and our growth in racial justice ministry.

So folks gather every other month to dream, share ideas, and plan ministry that reflects the hospitality of Jesus, the vision of God’s peace and justice, and the creativity of the Spirit in this time and place.  When you bring your self to Ministry Roots ‘N Groups, you have opportunities to use your gifts and to discover new possibilities.

The Ministry Groups at this time are:
Faith Sharing & Teaching  – planning for worship, spiritual growth, Christian education, and evangelism
Outreach  & Stewardship – planning for the congregation’s mission involvement, peace and justice ministries, and ongoing sense of what it means to be stewards of all that God gives us.
Community Life & Communication – planning for everything from newsletter and website communication to church signage and the values that our building communicates. This group has worked on our accessibility and use of our resources in becoming more ‘green.’
Planning for life of the congregation through sharing meals, fun events, and ways of staying connected with each other. This includes care for those in grief, and those who are ill.

If you would like more information about one of our groups, feel free to talk with the pastor on Sunday or please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you.